Expert Series: The Value of Assessing Soft Skills in Credentialing


Expert Series: The Value of Assessing Soft Skills in Credentialing

Dr. Amin Saiar


Soft skills, as we know, are very important when it comes to being effective in a job.

While most of credentialing focuses on hard skills like job knowledge, skills, abilities, and other types of competencies, there is room for soft skills in the credentialing space. Assessments for emotional intelligence, grit, and determination may help differentiate between somebody who has the competencies but may not be as effective, versus somebody who really excels. So, being able to assess and, in turn, allow people to get insight into to where they can improve when it comes to their soft skills, is meaningful.

Watch the third installment in PSI’s Certification Expert Series with Amin Saiar, PhD, PSI’s VP of Psychometrics, as he discusses how soft skills can make a difference in credentialing, for example, in re-certification.

YouTube video

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out our recently launched Certification Expert Series, where PSI’s psychometricians and experts discuss topics like improving exam security, online proctoring best practices and trends, and continuing education. Stay tuned!
